We recorded our jam again this week since last week’s didn’t take advantage of the our multi-client Jamulus setup to separate our vocal and instrument tracks. I think it sounds better, although, one might be hard pressed to tell the difference unless they are doing the mixing.

Speaking of mixing, I think I need some guidance. This week, I bumped up the bass per request (hopefully not too much), but I’m at a loss on what to do with the vocals. I’m going to ship one of the songs off to a friend with a degree in audio engineering and a ton of experience. After he finishes laughing at my attempts to mix this, perhaps he can give some direction.

Unfortunately, there is more noise in this week’s recording. I think it’s coming from network delays. I’d like to verify that this is the case to understand if there is anything we can do to minimize it.

Here’s a taste of the session. I only flubbed a couple times.

Look Sharp! (Joe Jackson cover) recorded from a Jamulus session on 22 Nov, 2024.


4 thoughts on “Weeknote 2024.47

  1. @blog Your Jamulus mixes sound great! I'm a big fan of Jamulus, but haven't really connected with an online community of users yet — have you found any good resources for organizing jams with kind musicians?

    • Thanks! I don’t know of any organizing resources other than Jamulus itself. A friend had some luck meeting other musicians by politely dropping into sessions. The other musicians would say “hi” when they noticed him and were very friendly and welcoming. Maybe poke around on Jamulus to see if there are any active groups in your region. I’ve noticed that some of the servers also display scheduled jams on their welcome message. I don’t know where you’re located, but if you’re on the East Coast of the US, this CBVB group is quite active, I’m sure there are others https://community.cbvb.io/home. They sound really good too. Good luck.

      • @blog Thanks for the great pointers! I haven't been bold enough to just pop into a server yet, and I run mine in unregistered mode, but maybe I'll see what I can tap into one of these days. It's good to know that the welcome message could provide some clues. Happy jamming!

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