A small, bass pedalboard with preamp, chorus and Beat Buddy pedals on a wood floor with a hand written set list.

On the jam this week, we decided to get somewhat more organized: I put together a playlist ahead of time. Not surprisingly, the jam was smoother without the usual “what are we playing next” routine where I suggest a song and the other guys suggest alternatives. We also added a new (for us) song that sounded shockingly good the first time through. Our set list is somewhat eclectic, but I can see us heading in a slightly more rockabilly direction. If that’s the case, I might need an upright bass.

A friend had some BBQ sauces delivered from Alabama this week. We tried them out on some chicken, the verdict: The Dreamland BBQ sauce is delicious and the Big Bob Gibson White Sauce is, perhaps, and acquired taste. I’ll give the white sauce a couple more chances, but it may prove too mayonnaisey for my tastes.

The 3D printed boat part I designed came back from the printer this week. While the print quality on this one isn’t as good the as the first, it should work. I’ll drop a full write-up in the Projects section after I’ve installed it on the boat.

Finally, I noticed some weirdness on the site this week. No, jpreardon.com is not (intentionally) hawking prescription drugs. Someone managed to inject spam into a few of the pages and posts recently. I think I’ve removed all of it now, and security has been tightened to prevent it from happening in the future.


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