A lot of crazy shit happened this week, I don’t feel the need to rehash or react to any of it here. I’ll say only this: Americans, please make sure you’re registered to vote and understand what is at stake in the upcoming elections. Then, of course, vote!

On a lighter note, after last weeks live jam, we were back to using Jamulus this week. Last weekend’s “intensive” seems to have improved my playing ability just a bit. Things felt and sounded a bit smoother this Friday.

In other music news, I discovered that we have a drummer in the family! Honestly, they didn’t seem all that interested in joining our jam, but they have a kit at home and live well within Jamulus range to the rest of us. I’ll turn on the charm and see if I can recruit him.


I am behind on my weeknotes. Partially due to travel, partially to lazyness. I’ll publish this abbreviated edition a week late and catch up next week.

Black and white photo of three men in a garage with guitars.
Meet the monotones (working name, not to be confused with The Monotones). Photo: Angela Lin

The highlight of the week was a visit to the country–if you can call destinations reachable by Metro North “the country”. On the agenda: Play some music, chill by the pool and sail. The weather wasn’t conducive to sailing, but we played a lot of music and really enjoyed the pool.

This was a rare, live jam of the regular Jamulus crew. It’s wonderful that we can play together online, I doubt we’d play much at all if we couldn’t; however, being in the same room is so much better. We worked on tightening up a couple of the songs on our regular playlist and started working on a couple new ones.


A group of people take pictures of a Manhattanhenge sunset on the Tudor City overpass.
Manhattanhenge: New Yorkers love a photo op.

On the way to see Field of Light, we happened upon a gaggle of people taking pictures of something. As we got closer, we realized it was Manhattanhenge (pictured above). It was a nice evening for it, and well worth stopping for. Even a busy Deliverista took a few minutes off to capture the moment.

In other news, the New York Times continues their journalistic assault on the Biden campaign. According to Jennifer Schulze of Heartland Signal, the NYT has published 192 articles and opinion pieces about Biden’s debate performance as of July 6th (via Letters from an American). The opposing campaign seems to be relatively quiet. I imagine their thinking is: Why bother saying anything if the New York Times goes on the attack for us?

Instead of the non-stop Biden bashing, how about some more in-depth coverage of Project 2025?


It’s week 26, so we’re halfway through this year’s weeknotes!

The first Presidential debate was this week. I knew how it was going to go down, so I avoided it. Unfortunately, my intuition was correct and Trump just spewed his lies. Predictably, the hand wringing started immediately. Although, I was a little taken aback by the about of attention the NY Times gave to Biden’s performance while spilling little ink over Trump’s unchecked bullshit eruption. Heather Cox Richardson has a great write-up, as usual.


Photo of the team USA Sail GP F50 preparing to race in New York Harbor. Lower Manhattan's skyline is in the background.
Team USA prepares to race at Sail GP in New York City.

The big event this week was Sail GP. I was lucky to get a look behind the scenes before the races on Saturday. These boats and crews are very impressive.

In other news, it’s hazy, hot & humid this week. Usually, we try to keep the A/C off until at least July. However, I couldn’t take it anymore on Saturday and flipped the switch. Might have to adjust expectations in the future. Perhaps “we try to keep the A/C off until at least June” will be the reality going forward.

Also spotted a white squirrel in Prospect Park. Apparently people have been seeing these for years in the park, but it was a first for me.
