Photo of the team USA Sail GP F50 preparing to race in New York Harbor. Lower Manhattan's skyline is in the background.
Team USA prepares to race at Sail GP in New York City.

The big event this week was Sail GP. I was lucky to get a look behind the scenes before the races on Saturday. These boats and crews are very impressive.

In other news, it’s hazy, hot & humid this week. Usually, we try to keep the A/C off until at least July. However, I couldn’t take it anymore on Saturday and flipped the switch. Might have to adjust expectations in the future. Perhaps “we try to keep the A/C off until at least June” will be the reality going forward.

Also spotted a white squirrel in Prospect Park. Apparently people have been seeing these for years in the park, but it was a first for me.


As promised, I posted a project page for the Pearson Ensign Outboard Motor Mount I designed a few weeks ago. I haven’t been to the boat in a week, I assume that bracket is still doing what it’s supposed to do.

I’ve been slow to start my traditional, pre-summer activities. Not much sailing has happened yet and I just got around to planting some of the containers on the deck this weekend. The solstice is right around the corner, so I need to kick it into high gear.


Photo on a Person Ensign sailboat looking aft showing a hand on the rudder and an American nautical ensign.
Photo credit: Angela Lin

Fleet week means Memorial Day Weekend and the (unofficial) start of summer! I saw the Parade of Boats on Wednesday from the office. I had to squat at a different desk for a while since I lost my Hudson River view in a recent move.

The 3D printed boat part sample I mentioned last week came back from the printer. I was happy with the strength and print quality. It also fit properly on the boat–so all good. I made a few tweaks to the rest of the model and sent it out to print. Fingers crossed, it all fits together nicely.

We took Uno out for a sail on Saturday, finally. It’s a late start this year compared to previous seasons. I blame the weather, mostly. It’s been a cool and rainy spring. Even this sail was on the chilly side. I’ll try to make up for it in the coming weeks though.


Yes, only one link this week, but it’s a really good one.

Ted Gioia on AI’s Threat To Music

Sailing season is right around the corner–in this part of the world anyway. Uno went into the water this week, unexpectedly early thanks to some of the guys at the club. That’s one less thing on my pre-season todo list. The next step is cleaning and rigging. I hope to get a shakeout sail in over the next couple weeks.

I did some more tweaking/experimenting with my Low Effort Sourdough Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread. The results were good. Plus, I got some good advice on Mastodon about pushing the whole wheat content even higher and adding some oat flour. I’ll try that out next weekend.
