html-sketchapp is a tool that creates Sketch stencils from HTML–very cool. Tools like this are closing the gap between design artifacts and the products they describe. I played around with html-sketchapp a bit, and it works quite well.

Mark Dalgleish’s article about Sketching in the Browser is the best one I’ve read about why this convergence of design and development tools is important. It also tells the tale of the journey that led to the creation of html-sketchapp.

Amazon’s first Go storefront is set to open on Monday in Seattle. I first heard about this about a year ago. Not being a fan of lines, I like the concept. However, I ask the same question now as I did then: Why make customers scan their phones to enter the store?

I suspect the barriers exist to prevent theft. But, it seems like a step that could be avoided or at least made less like entering the subway.

via Dave Winer