If you’re looking for some fashion ideas for your next bicycle excursion, check out Copenhagen Cycle Chic. It’s no surprise that in a city where over 30% of its residents cycle daily, those riders know how to look good while doing it.
Category: forma
Another Fashion Trend (for the health conscious)
Or should it be Another Health Trend (for the fashion conscious)? Don’t ask me why, but protective devices that are marketed as fashion accessories intrigue me. Darren points out that some women are wearing massive sun visors around Vancouver. He speculates that it might be some sort of post-SARS reaction.
If it is in fact related to SARS, perhaps the wearers of these visors would be interested in a color coordinated face mask. If someone could find some stylish fire and puncture resistant gloves one could sport a real “Urban area survival” ensemble.
via BoingBoing
Healthy and Stylish
Where was Bézenville when gas masks were a hot item in New York a few months ago? These are much more stylish than anything you’ll find down at the Spy Shop. I think my favorite is the “decapotable” model.
Unfortunately it does not appear that there are any retailers in the US. The Parisians are a step ahead of us in the fashion department yet again. However, if you really want to be a trendsetter, you can buy one online.
très magnifique…
via BoingBoing