Goodbye Boston PhoenixThe Phoenix is publishing their last issue on March 15th. Bummer.

In other news, I’m so out of touch with what’s going on in Boston that I didn’t realize that the 101.7 part of WFNX 101.7 was sold to Clear Channel last year. exists as an internet radio station, but that looks to be in jeopardy at this point too. Double bummer.

I heard a lot of great music on FNX, and found out when and where a lot of bands were playing in the Phoenix (that’s what we did before the internets). I’m sorry to hear that these two institutions will no longer be part of the Boston scene.

via If I Didn’t Care

Podlinez will play the most recent episode of any podcast on any phone. Each podcast is assigned a phone number. When it is dialed, the podcast starts playing after a short announcement. Nice work, if anyone from Podlinez happens to be reading, here are a few unsolicited feature requests:

  • A searchable directory. 15 pages of podcasts are a lot to sort through. One should not have to enter the full feed URL of the podcast on the home page to see if it is already listed either.
  • A mobile accessible directory. Podlinz will really shine when one has some time to kill while not near a computer. An optimized site for mobile browsers, some form of search that uses SMS or even a audio directory would be great.
  • Keep more than just the last episode of a podcast on hand.

Good luck!

via Lifehacker

Fox is suing Al Franken and the publisher of his forthcoming book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. According to Fox, they trademarked the term “Fair and Balanced” back in 1998 and object to its use in the book’s title. Fox, oozing Balance and Fairness, refers to Franken as a “C-level commentator” who is “unstable” and “shrill”. Who filed this suit? Bill O’Reilly?

One might ask why Fox would be so concerned about a book written by a gentleman who they have absolutely no respect for? Apparently they are concerned that their viewers might mistake the book for one endorsed by the Fox News Channel, you know, with all that “Fair and Balanced” stuff printed on the front. If Fox isn’t spewing it, it can’t be “Fair and Balanced” right? After all, we wouldn’t want someone to pick up Franken’s book thinking they were going to get 250 pages of “Fair and Balanced” from a Fox sanctioned source only to be surprised by (gasp!) a differing opinion.

This suit probably doesn’t have any legs anyway. If Fox’s viewers can’t tell who wrote the book by looking at its cover (hint: the author’s last name is NOT O’Reilly) how could they ever be expected to read that which is between covers? At worst, Fox is wasting the court’s time. On the upside, Al Franken receives some excellent publicity for his new book. Don’t forget to place your advance order!