From time to time, I want to get direct access to a file on Dropbox or Google Drive. For example, that’s how my super simple In/Out board for Dashing works. The syntax of the URLs for direct file access (without the file viewer) are pretty well documented, but I haven’t committed them to memory. It seems like every time I search for them, they get harder to find.

I’m documenting them here to save myself the trouble in the future.

Dropbox Direct Link

Get the sharing link for the file you want to access from Dropbox, it will look something this:[LINK ID]/[FILENAME]?dl=0

Replace with and you should end up with a direct link like this:[LINK ID]/[FILENAME]


Google Drive Direct Link

Get the sharing link for the file you want to access from Google Drive, it will look something this:[LINK ID]/edit?usp=sharing

The [LINK ID] will be a long string of characters. To create the direct link, replace the [LINK ID] in the URL below with your link ID:[LINK ID]/export?format=txt

I specified a text format here, but there are several other options.


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