Update: Lifehacker suggests a few improvements to GMail’s IMAP setup.

If you like GMail, but want to use a different mail client from time to time, you’ll be happy to know that GMail has added IMAP support. To get started, just enable IMAP in your GMail settings and follow the configuration instructions for your mail client.

The best part of this is that any labels used in GMail carry over to the mail client as folders. Folder actions such as copy and move also translate to label actions. For example, if one copies a message from their inbox to a folder, the label that corresponds to the folder name will be applied in GMail. If one moves a message from their inbox to a folder, the label will be applied and the message will be archived.

This is a nice feature for both mobile and desktop users of GMail. If you are currently using POP with GMail, you will probably be better served with IMAP.

via engadget mobile :: engadget

I just finished reading Three Cups of Tea. It is the story of Greg Mortenson’s transformation from a part-time mountaineer to a full-time doer of good. Mortenson’s humanitarian efforts began by building a school for a remote mountain village in Pakistan. Since then, he has gone on to co-found the Central Asia Institute and build more than 50 additional schools throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan.

This story is an inspiring adventure that shows just what can be achieved when someone puts their mind to it.

A List Apart has released the results of their web design survey:

In April 2007, A List Apart and An Event Apart conducted a survey of people who make websites. Close to 33,000 web professionals answered the survey’s 37 questions, providing the first data ever collected on the business of web design and development as practiced in the U.S. and worldwide.

A List Apart also provides the anonymized, raw data from the survey. If you’re up for it, you could make your own fun charts to justify a raise to your boss.

via Vitamin News