Work is in full swing this week. Everybody is back from their holiday with a lot of energy and ideas.

I continued to play around with various Jamulus recording setups and Reaper. A fair number of people seem to prefer recording on the client side. From what I can tell, this keeps everything in time, but it’s all on one track. We don’t plan to record every session. Next time, we’ll record on the server again and adjust timing in the mix.

Speaking of jams, we had one of our better ones this week. Good energy all around and I was more natural on the bass. It may have had something to do with the beer I drank at dinner beforehand.

Projectwise, I fixed some issues with the static site generator used for the One a Day site. Not the links are correct. That site really needs some TLC on the layout.

The wild weather continued this week with a lot of rain and very high winds.

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