Comparison of three MTA style, smiley-face, PSA graphics through time: 2020 asks people to wear masks, 2022 indicates that masks are optional, while 2024 shows someone behind bars for wearing a mask.
Graphic source: @luckytran

While many are still reeling from Governor Hochul’s last minute halt of congestion pricing, she has another bright idea for NYC public transit: A mask ban. Also, let us not forget when she deployed the National Guard to check bags at subway entrances when the real action is on the trains and platforms. Her actions show that she disconnected from the facts on the ground when it comes to transit. She shouldn’t be dictating transit policy for the the city.


As promised, I posted a project page for the Pearson Ensign Outboard Motor Mount I designed a few weeks ago. I haven’t been to the boat in a week, I assume that bracket is still doing what it’s supposed to do.

I’ve been slow to start my traditional, pre-summer activities. Not much sailing has happened yet and I just got around to planting some of the containers on the deck this weekend. The solstice is right around the corner, so I need to kick it into high gear.


A small, bass pedalboard with preamp, chorus and Beat Buddy pedals on a wood floor with a hand written set list.

On the jam this week, we decided to get somewhat more organized: I put together a playlist ahead of time. Not surprisingly, the jam was smoother without the usual “what are we playing next” routine where I suggest a song and the other guys suggest alternatives. We also added a new (for us) song that sounded shockingly good the first time through. Our set list is somewhat eclectic, but I can see us heading in a slightly more rockabilly direction. If that’s the case, I might need an upright bass.

A friend had some BBQ sauces delivered from Alabama this week. We tried them out on some chicken, the verdict: The Dreamland BBQ sauce is delicious and the Big Bob Gibson White Sauce is, perhaps, and acquired taste. I’ll give the white sauce a couple more chances, but it may prove too mayonnaisey for my tastes.

The 3D printed boat part I designed came back from the printer this week. While the print quality on this one isn’t as good the as the first, it should work. I’ll drop a full write-up in the Projects section after I’ve installed it on the boat.

Finally, I noticed some weirdness on the site this week. No, is not (intentionally) hawking prescription drugs. Someone managed to inject spam into a few of the pages and posts recently. I think I’ve removed all of it now, and security has been tightened to prevent it from happening in the future.


Photo on a Person Ensign sailboat looking aft showing a hand on the rudder and an American nautical ensign.
Photo credit: Angela Lin

Fleet week means Memorial Day Weekend and the (unofficial) start of summer! I saw the Parade of Boats on Wednesday from the office. I had to squat at a different desk for a while since I lost my Hudson River view in a recent move.

The 3D printed boat part sample I mentioned last week came back from the printer. I was happy with the strength and print quality. It also fit properly on the boat–so all good. I made a few tweaks to the rest of the model and sent it out to print. Fingers crossed, it all fits together nicely.

We took Uno out for a sail on Saturday, finally. It’s a late start this year compared to previous seasons. I blame the weather, mostly. It’s been a cool and rainy spring. Even this sail was on the chilly side. I’ll try to make up for it in the coming weeks though.


Yes, only one link this week, but it’s a really good one.

Ted Gioia on AI’s Threat To Music

Last Sunday, I spent the rainy day designing a part for the boat. On a friend’s recommendation, I used Autodesk Fusion. I was surprised that that there’s a version of Fusion available free for personal use. I was also surprised that it was relatively easy to get started–even for someone whose last 3D design experience was decades ago and involved pencils and drafting tools. I sent part of the part out for printing to check a couple things before getting the large parts printed. I’ll post more details after those parts arrive. I suspect there might be some design tweaks needed.
