I missed the 20th anniversary of this site by a couple days (it was on the 7th). Ten years ago, I marked the occasion by listing the most popular posts.

  1. Homebrew Yaesu FT-857D Soundcard Cable
  2. Bose 901 Equalizer Repair
  3. A Dashing Dashboard with Raspberry Pi
  4. PSK31 with an FT-857D and a Mac
  5. More PSK31
  6. NYC to Montreal and Back (in Four Parts)
  7. Motorcycle Parking at NYC Muni-Meters
  8. Pomodoro Timer
  9. Temperature Logging with Twine and ThingSpeak
  10. DIY Air Variable Capacitor

The only post that appears on both lists is about the motorcycle trip to Montreal. I’m always surprised with the number of people interested in making a soundcard cable or repair a Bose 901 EQ. By the way, PDF schematic diagram for that EQ is not represented on this list, but is probably viewed more than any of these other pages.

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