I missed the 20th anniversary of this site by a couple days (it was on the 7th). Ten years ago, I marked the occasion by listing the most popular posts.
- Homebrew Yaesu FT-857D Soundcard Cable
- Bose 901 Equalizer Repair
- A Dashing Dashboard with Raspberry Pi
- PSK31 with an FT-857D and a Mac
- More PSK31
- NYC to Montreal and Back (in Four Parts)
- Motorcycle Parking at NYC Muni-Meters
- Pomodoro Timer
- Temperature Logging with Twine and ThingSpeak
- DIY Air Variable Capacitor
The only post that appears on both lists is about the motorcycle trip to Montreal. I’m always surprised with the number of people interested in making a soundcard cable or repair a Bose 901 EQ. By the way, PDF schematic diagram for that EQ is not represented on this list, but is probably viewed more than any of these other pages.